What to Expect

If you have never been to see a therapist before you may be unsure of what to expect.  If you have been to see a therapist before we may work differently from what you have already experienced.  Below there is information on what it is like to attend therapy with Inspiring 121 and what to expect in your therapy experience.

It may feel a little scary speaking to someone about how you feel. We value the importance of creating a trusting relationship and know this is key for you to feel comfortable and safe.

Initial Contact

If you feel you need to talk and work through any issues the first thing to do is to either use the below contact form or email Maria or Tony directly at info@inspiring121.co.uk

We will then arrange a convenient time for us to have an initial chat either by phone or online.  This will help us to gain an understanding of what your issues are, what you want to achieve, how we work and whether you will feel comfortable working with either Maria or Tony.

After our initial conversation, should you wish to book your first session with us then we will email you the following;

  • A copy of our client contract which outlines how we work, confidentiality, fees and for you to complete your personal information.
  • A copy of our privacy policy which is in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) May 2018.
  • Forms to complete about how you are feeling which gives us a great place to start from.

Once you have read through the above documents and you wish to go ahead we will then book a suitable time for you to attend your first therapy session either at our therapy room in Wallsend or online.

During your first session, we will begin to explore what issues you are experiencing and gain an understanding of the root cause.  The number and frequency of your sessions will depend on the issues you are experiencing and the pace that you feel most comfortable with.

Our Approach

We are flexible and tailor our approach to each individual depending on your needs, communication, and learning styles.  Our approach ranges from talking therapy, hypnotherapy, creative play therapy, and energy healing therapy.  This wide range of approaches means we can work with what best suits you and what you are most comfortable with.

At times sessions can feel challenging and emotional. From our own experience and from working with clients the process is liberating and offers you the freedom to let go of what is holding you back and to live your best life!

If you would like to speak to Maria or Tony about booking an appointment or you want to have a chat to find out what therapy is right for you and how you are feeling then email us directly at info@pwaunlimited.co.uk or complete the below contact form.  All communication is confidential.

Follow Us @inspiring121

Our sister company, Change U, offers Accredited NLP Training Courses, Personal and Business Development Courses and Programmes.

Find out more about the training Change U offers here.

 mental health